Falling Behind covid-19: day 345 | US: GA | info | act
Seriously, I seem to be so busy lately, something has to give. It appears my journal is one of those things. Not good. It’s not that I don’t have things to say, but I just have no time or energy with which to say them. And, I have a session course starting next week. Madness.
My WritDM course has almost finished remediating volume 13 of The Mailer Review. This is good.
I purchased another lens which should be here early next week. (I love how it takes longer to deliver something from California than is does from Tokyo.) More on this later.
I’ve started working again on Lipton’s Journal.
Kip came to my discussion of Slaughterhouse-Five yesterday. I have much to say abotu that novel, but no time to write it. What a shame.