December 31, 2023

From Gerald R. Lucas
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The End of 2023

2023 has been challenging professionally and rewarding personally. With the birth of Max, our lives have changed again for the better. Yet, he is the factor that made my work more difficult. This last semester was one of the hardest I’ve had: getting canceled after just one week teaching ENGL 5106 did not help. ChatGTP did not help. Max will start daycare in a week, but AI will remain a challenge and probably change my discipline for good.

My journal writing has suffered, too. However, I managed to apply for the Ransom Center fellowship, again, so hopefully I’ll have better luck this time. I need to write in ’24. Lipton’s Journal should be out in March, too. Tomorrow I become the president of the Norman Mailer Society. I’m not sure I’m ready for that.

2024 will be challenging politically, too. We have a genocide happening in Israel and continued war in Ukraine. These potentially could lead to another global conflict. That and the rise of fascism in this country do not bode well for the future.

Well, happy new year. I’m fine with leaving 2023 behind, but I remain anxious as we head into the new year. Everyone be well.