Undergrad Conference and Projects

To my ENGL 4430 class: I would like to encourage you—particularly if you plan to write a research paper for your project, to submit your essay, or panel if several of you are interested, to the interdisciplinary undergraduate conference. This is an excellent—and low-stress—opportunity for professionalization, and I think our class on short fiction could add one or even two panels for the conference. I’m happy to work with each student or group in preparing your panel, papers, or anything else you might need help with. I’m also happy to search as a chair for a panel, if you would like that kind of assistance.
That said: I also need confirmation about what you intend to do for your course project. I have heard from some of you already, but if you have not communicated your intentions to me yet, please make sure you do so at some point before midterm on March 7. Simply send me an email with a paragraph that outlines your project. If you don’t have a specific idea yet—I know we are only 25% into the semester—just give me an idea of what you’re leaning toward. Is it a research essay or something digital? I just need as many specifics as you can give me. If you don’t know yet, tell me. Maybe you and I can brainstorm on an approach that could fit your ideas. I’m here to help. You can also make a Zoom conference with me, or see me during my office hours, if that would be easier.
Also, you can also ask questions or discuss on Reddit, if you are so inclined.
Consider this a polite little nudge to get you thinking about your class project. I look forward to hearing from you all in one way or another.
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