The End
As of thirty minutes ago, I am officially finished with this semester. Grades are submitted, and I feel lighter. We lost power about 04:00 this morning, and it only came back after 10:00, so I was afraid that I would have to go into the office to submit a couple of grades. However, the timing was perfect, and I was able to stay under my warm blanket and do my thing.
AI has been a real issue this semester. Some students have even figured out that they can thwart AI detection by running their ChatGPT output through a “humanizer”; it makes the writing a bit more clunky, like a sophomore undergraduate’s. It’s still pretty easy to spot, but impossible to prove with software. It has become fatiguing. I’m thinking about going to partially multiple-choice exams unless I can think of something better. I plan to have my grad students actually use AI this spring. More on that when I figure it out.
I’m ready for a break. I still owe Phil an article for the next Review, but I need to reach out to him about some other issues anyway. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get back to it soon. I have not been reading or writing much lately, and that has to change. I have a number of to-reads piling up, so I need to get to it.