September 3, 2024

From Gerald R. Lucas

To Henry Turning Nine

This year you’ve grown, my handsome son,
     More responsible, more things begun.
Helping here and there at home,
     Though your room remains a cluttered zone.

In Montessori’s halls you shine, 5
     Third grade’s challenges align.
Math’s your friend, your trusted guide—
     Every problem solved with pride.

On your first Cub Scout camping quest,
     You faced the woods with eager zest. 10
The campfire’s glow, the starry skies,
     Adventure sparked within your eyes.

Your fingers dance on piano keys,
     “Für Elise” flows with growing ease.
Each note a step towards mastery, 15
     Though practice he would rather flee.

We traveled far, you spread your wings,
     To Chicago’s sights and music’s strings;
Peter Gabriel’s songs did soar,
     A memory to cherish evermore. 20

In Austin, Texas, skies so wide,
     Your second flight was a thrilling ride.
New places seen, new wonders found,
     Your world expanding, unbound.

Minecraft worlds you build with glee, 25
     A digital realm where you roam free.
YouTube calls with endless streams,
     But parents must often limit dreams.

Rifftrax and MST3K
     Jokes that chase your cares away. 30
“And you go to hell!” we laugh,
     And every riff, your joy’s epigraph.

You read, you draw, you craft with care,
     Creativity blooming everywhere.
Pepperoni pizza, your favorite treat, 35
     No meal for you can compete.

With Max, your brother, side by side,
     In his eyes, you’re a hero, wide-eyed.
Gummy and Poppy, they know the way,
     To make your heart light up the day. 40

The beach calls too, where waves meet sand,
     Where every splash is a joyful command.
New adventures wait as you turn nine,
     “Tiny Heap” from your mind will shine.

Beethoven will soon be yours, 45
     With every note, your spirit soars.
The year ahead, so full, so bright,
     With love and pride, we hold you tight.

For Mom and Dad, our hearts do swell,
     To see you grow, to watch you excel. 50
Our dearest Henry, brave and kind,
     In you, our greatest joy we find.

Happy Birthday, Henry!

I love you,