July 29, 2024

From Gerald R. Lucas


I have to begin my fall prep. I still have no idea how I’m going to approach ENGL 1101, but it looks like I’m teaching them, four times a week. Yay.

I spent last week cleaning up the house. I’m still working on Henry’s room. There’s so much stuff. I think we’re on day four of just his room. Autumn’s “helping,” but that just slows me down. I’m putting all the random junk in a big box and trying to group quality toys together. It is no mean task. Minimalism and kids do not go together.

Robert was out on Thursday and staked the sound shed off in the back yard. It’s looking like it will be 18'x12'—smaller than I wanted, but a decent size. The plan is to extend the current roofline north, using half of it to make the addition. This process is moving so slowly. I better email Cheryl again.

Autumn and the boys spent part of the day at the grandparents’ house, so I got to watch Furiosa—which was entertaining—and about half of The Acolyte. So far, I do not see the controversy, though admirably the cast has no main characters who are white guys. Of course, this is what the fan controversy is about—the show being too “woke” and pushing an LGBTQ+ agenda. Jesus, white guys. How can you be so insecure when you’ve been on top for so long?