July 3, 2024

From Gerald R. Lucas
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Last Boxes

This morning, I requested my final five boxes. These contain correspondence, still, and are long-shots, but were written during the time he was publishing his last books that contained short fiction. Hopefully, there will be a nugget or two. Now, to find time to get in there over the next three days. Tonight, too, is the last fellows’ happy hour, so I’m going to do my best to attend—at least for a drink.

Reunited at the airport.

After picking up the rental car and the family at the airport, we dropped off our stuff at the rental and hit Jewboy Cantina. Henry was not impressed, but Autumn and Max sure liked their dinner. I knew Max would like a bean burrito, and he did. Henry said everything tasted “weird,” but I think he was just being recalcitrant. After, we picked up some necessities at H.E.B., and took it easy the rest of the evening. I’m not sure what’s on the agenda for today, but everyone’s still snoozing after Max had an early morning burst of energy.

. . .