July 2, 2024

From Gerald R. Lucas
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Arrival Day

Just a few hours until Autumn and the boys arrive! I requested three boxes this morning, which maybe my last few. Today’s walk seemed particularly hot, but I made it into the HRC by 10:00 ready to do some work. The owner of my cottage said that I could keep it through July 7, so as of today, my official plan is to leave early that morning. Good thing, too, as Hurricane Beryl could be coming to town. That is something I’ll have to watch.

Not too much today, as expected. While not apropos, Box 559 contained an interesting paragraph that Mailer wrote for Harper’s in 1962, based on their solicitation: “ANTI-DOTES... This game—devised by Michael Menzies, and which any number can play—provides the tonic exhilaration of voicing anathemas. It is a matter of answering a dozen questions: Which PLAY... BOOK... [etc. . . .] has seemed to you dismal, disastrous and distasteful; and, if you care to comment, why?”. Here’s Mailer’s paragraph:

Oh, and of course Mailer’s famous letter to Playboy, dated December 21, 1962:

I know how he feels.