Writing for Digital Media, Summer 2020/Schedule/3

From Gerald R. Lucas
crn 50055 nmac 5108.01 online Summer 2020

Before beginning your work each week, read through the whole lesson so you know what to expect and understand what’s expected. Each tab corresponds to a week of study. All assignments are contained therein. Any questions should be posted to the class forum, and be sure to read my weekly feedback.

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06/11–06/17: Selecting a Topic

This week: Understanding the importance of establishing and maintaining credibility and supporting your work. Also, this week, you’ll begin to look for a topic for your project (see Project).


  • Carroll, ch. 5, “Establishing and Communicating Credibility in Digital Spaces.”
  • Be an Expert” expands Carroll’s discussion about approaching your writing online.
  • Editing Wikipedia,” p. 6, gives assistance on finding your Wikipedia article.
  • Finding your article.


  • Choose a topic.
  • Discussion: What is a content gap? — Please try to be neat and orderly and logical in your additions to this discussion. Any links to Wikipedia pages should be done in your comment, not as a footnote or reference (only external sources should be in notes — and notes should be at the bottom of the page). Also, be sure to support what you write with evidence. Remember: format of any writing you do online is important and will count in evaluation, so errors or careless formatting will negatively affect your grade.


  • Look through the notes you took on your sandbox this week and revise them for your next forum post. You should have your choices narrowed down to three potential articles at the most. Create a new topic in the class forum about topics you are considering for your project. Be sure to link to them.
    • Help a classmate choose his/her topic by commenting critically on his/her forum post. What hasn’t she considered? What might be the best for his interests? Etc.
  • In the Wikipedia Help forum, post something you learned about editing Wikipedia this week.
    • Comment on at least one other classmate’s post.

Finally, choose your project topic by assigning it to yourself using the WikiEdu dashboard. Everyone should have chosen his/her topic by the end of this lesson.

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