From Gerald R. Lucas
Revision as of 07:40, 22 April 2023 by Grlucas (talk | contribs) (Added search.)

Welcome to the English Composition Frequently Asked Questions.

This FAQ addresses difficulties that many new writers have with mechanics, style, content, and structure. While meant for writers new to college, even experienced writers may benefit from some of the answers to the questions here.

Start Here

The FAQ is hypertextual and is divided into classes via the tabs above. You might begin by clicking on the tab that corresponds with your class. Or, you can see all of the questions available on the FAQ in the index.

Each tab highlights the questions most pertinent to that course. ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102 are for the first and second courses, respectively, in first-year composition. The former highlights general writing skills needed for college while the latter focuses on textual analysis, interpretation, and writing about literature. Choose Literature Survey if you are in a sophomore literature survey course, like ENGL 2111. The Digital Writing tab contain questions for advanced writing, humanities, or literature courses.

If you’re new here, you might begin with the questions on the right to get oriented.

 note: This FAQ is a work-in-progress, so links in red have yet to be written. I anticipate that it should be complete, or in version 1, by the fall of 2023.


Written: 2002, 2022; Revised: 04-22-2023; Version: Beta 0.7 💬