May 21, 2024

From Gerald R. Lucas
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Streamer and More

The search ended yesterday: I ordered an Eversolo DMP-A6 Master Edition to be my streamer/DAC in my new audio system. I had researched the entire night before, and sitting in the Grand Jury room in the Bibb County courthouse waiting to begin, I pressed the order button.


It may be slightly overkill, though not as much as the A8 would have been. I really just wanted a box that was a Roon endpoint, like Giles’ recommendation of the Bluesound Node X, but all of the reviews I read and watched lauded the performance of the Eversolo units, so I went for the mid-range one. We can compare it to Giles’ Bluesound. The A6 has a lovely screen—again somewhat superfluous, but will look nice, I guess. I plan on using Roon exclusively, so all the additional connectivity that I paid for will just be unused extra stuff.

That said, I think this will be a great streamer, and I can add an external DAC later, if I want. I likely won’t, but having the option is not a bad thing.

So, I now have speakers and a streamer/DAC. Giles has a Jolida JD-302a that needs service. I ordered a new set of tubes for it, and he agreed to take care of the service. The Jolida should be a great little amp for this setup. Now, I need some interconnects, speaker cables, and a power conditioner.

Finally, I sent a drawing of an addition to the house to Robert. I have yet to hear back, but I’m itching to get started. I have a feeling this is going to be a long process, however.