Campus |
- Macon, GA
- 100 University Parkway
- 31206
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Department | |
Office |
- SOAL-227
- second floor, School of Arts and Letters Building
Office Hours |
- MT: 10:00–11:00
- WR: 10:00–11:00
- F by email appt
- Zoom 📆
Email |
- gerald.lucasmga.edu
- Email is the best and quickest way to contact me.
Voice | |
I try to make myself as available as much as possible during the first couple weeks of a semester, including evenings and weekends. If you need to chat with me, schedule a video conference via Zoom or Teams, if necessary. Please do not expect a response after 5pm on weekdays or anytime during the weekend. I may be available, but I also need some down time. Thanks for your understanding.
Prerequisite |
- Meet Program Admissions Requirements or Permission of Graduate Program Coordinator.
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Description |
- The course provides intensive study of principles and strategies in composing technical communications. It promotes sophisticated analysis of audience and develops nuanced rhetorical skills for crafting succinct, optimally readable documents in a variety of print and digital genres.
Classroom Hours | |
Credit Hours | |