August 21, 2023/Group Activity

From Gerald R. Lucas

Group Discussion & Analysis

In your groups, analyze the letter using the following criteria as guides.

Thesis and Main Argument

  • What is King’s thesis in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”? Identify the central claim he is making in response to the clergymen.
  • How does King support his thesis throughout the letter? List at least three pieces of evidence or arguments he uses.


  • What are the key themes in King’s letter? Identify at least two major themes (e.g., justice vs. injustice, the urgency of civil rights action).
  • Where in the text do these themes appear most prominently? Find and note specific passages that highlight these themes.


  • How would you describe the tone of King’s letter? Is it calm, passionate, accusatory, or something else?
  • How does King’s tone change throughout the letter? Identify moments where his tone shifts and discuss why this might be effective.

Rhetorical Strategies

  • What rhetorical devices does King use to strengthen his argument? Identify at least two rhetorical devices (e.g., ethos, pathos, logos, metaphor, analogy) and provide examples from the text.
  • How do these rhetorical strategies help King convey his message? Discuss briefly how these strategies contribute to the overall effectiveness of the letter.

Brief Presentation

Each group should decide on one or two key points from their analysis to share with the class. They should focus on how King’s writing strategies support his thematic concerns.