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May 8, 2024

From Gerald R. Lucas
Revision as of 06:15, 9 May 2024 by Grlucas (talk | contribs) (Addition.)
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Happy End of the Semester

And it took its time getting here. Man, where to start? What a challenging semester—maybe one of my most challenging ever. From Max bringing home a new funk every-other-day, to ChatGPT, a lot of tidal forces have been eroding my once-stable shoreline. I’ve had this chronic cough since Xmas, and Max is sick again with a high fever. My online classes have devolved into submissions from AI, so much so that I often think I’m reading the same essays over and over again. Big changes will have to be implemented. That will have to wait a moment. I’m over teaching.

Since the dean has been removed, I asked the chair if my fall schedule could be a bit more flexible. She did not readily agree, but I’m hoping that this reasonable request can be accommodated. Another semester like this one will break me.

Add to this my grand jury duty three times a month for six months. This duty is demanding and obtrusive and an unreasonable ask for the county. They are flexible, but it’s a lot todo about nothing. I had no idea that every criminal prosecution must first go through a grand jury, so we get to hear it all, from child molestation to “theft by taking,” to “negligent homicide,” to gang activity. It renders the horrific mundane by the end of a session. I’m over it, and there are still over three months of service left.

Some good news: I applied for the Ransom Center fellowship again last fall, and this time I was successful. I’ll be spending the month of June in Austin doing research and writing. As much as I love my family, I’m looking forward to some alone time. Autumn has been gracious enough to approve, though it will mean some additional hardship for her. She and the boys will probably join me during the last week or so. I hope to get a book proposal submitted this month, so I can secure a contract quickly. A signed contract with a UP will help mitigate my fall teaching, I hope.

Speaking of alone time, I seriously need some space. Our house is too small, and it’s always a mess. Henry has projects going all the time, and I think there are gremlins that live in his room just to keep it cluttered. Since it’s so messy, Henry works on his projects in our common spaces, often leaving a mess in his wake. Did I say “often”? I meant always. Autumn is also busy, so the clutter tends to accrue, like kipple. And none of it is mine, though I do try to keep some areas clean like the kitchen. It’s a futile battle. We still have party supplies sitting around from Max’s birthday party several weeks ago. Something has to give.

I’ve been thinking about getting an audio system set up, but it’s never going to happen. There’s not place to put speakers, even if I get small ones. I really want a garage with an office built on—like a fortress of solitude. I can’t even watch my television since it’s in the living room, and Henry’s always hanging around. He’d probably hang out in his room, but it’s a perpetual mess. Of course everything I watch is firmly adult, so I get in trouble if he sees something that bothers him. He always tells on me.

I plan on riding the BMW R 1200 GS to Austin. I’m looking forward to that ride—about 1000 miles each way. I know it’s going to be hot, but I plan on breaking up the ride over three days. Since my fellowship starts June 6, I will have to leave the day after jury duty on June 3. Shit, now that I look at the calendar, jury duty is scheduled on June 3 and 4. What did I say about it being obtrusive? Damn.